Sunday, October 31, 2010

Just a Reminder

No show tonight, however I am tentatively planning my blogtv return next week.

Happy Halloween!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pete Berwick's new CD "Give it Time"

I usually do critiques and CD plugs during the show (with a follow up blog of course) but with the show currently on hiatus due to my work schedule I really didn't want to wait to talk about Pete's new CD so here I am at 1 in the morning after a long day. So if I babble a bit here please

First let me just say that when I listened to Pete's previous CD (Just Another Day in Hell) I always thought that it would be a tough act to follow. I should have known Pete would pull it off with his latest release that just came out this week. Give It Time makes no apologies with it's honesty while offering encouragement for the future and an ice cold beer along the way. While not a complete departure from Pete's "cowpunk" roots it does offer a more hard rocking punch with a bit of the Berwick sarcasm thrown in for good measure. This CD like all of Pete's music is real life, and nothing like the bubblegum crap the industry likes to try to shove down our throats. This is real music for real people, I would defiantly recommend this and I very strongly encourage anyone who would like to know what real music sounds like to go to and pick up a copy.

I have to say that it's because of Pete Berwick that I can ride in the car in peace with my wife. As I've mentioned before my better half and I don't have the same taste in music and traveling together can sometimes be a trial. I like hard rocking music, with a bit of country and blues thrown in, while she likes high paced dance music, rap and too much of the RIAA's spoonfed, homogenized bullshit (sorry princess).

When the "discussion" on what to listen to while driving becomes too intense, and the radio is about to be shut off for good, all I have to do is pop in Pete Berwick.

And we go in peace. We don't agree on most music, but we are both die hard Pete Berwick fans, and given how different our musical tastes are that is saying something.

Show notes;

As I mentioned earlier in this blog my show is currently on hiatus. My work schedule has been insane as regular viewers know happens every year about this time. While not set in stone I am planning my return sometime in November.

See ya'll around the internets!

p.s. My good friend Rob Mazurek sent me an article about some assholes from the RIAA and the major labels saying that Indie artists are "Second Class Citizens" as far as they are concerned. I haven't had time to read it yet, but when I do I'm sure I'll be posting a blog about it, and will talk about it on my next show (whenever that is). Stuff like this really pisses me off, especially after listening to "Give It Time" I think that the independents could teach the majors a thing or two about what real music is. Yeah this is really pissing me off so stay tuned!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Missing a few shows (October 2010)

Just a reminder that there won't a show tonight.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Weenie of the Week 10-17-10 part 2, the French Government

Lets give people money for something that they are gonna steal anyway! This weeks "real" Weenie of the Week, the French government...

Weenie of the Week 10-17-10 part 1, Myself as Weenie of the Week

I was the "unofficial" Weenie of the Week, part 2 coming soon!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Updates and Other Stuff

Haven't done a written blog in a while, now is a good a time as any to catch up. As regular readers of this blog and of the show know I am getting into my busy time at my job and won't have as much time to work on show stuff and will be doing pretty good at getting online to do a show at all. So if anyone out there is trying to reach me online and I don't get back to you right away it's nothing personal I'm just super extraordinary busy right now and will be until probably mid November.

I do have every intent of trying to continue the show, although already I do think I will need to scratch the October 24th and October 31st shows on account of the fact that I don't even expect to be home to conduct them. This is why I haven't been using the blogtv scheduler. Just a heads up.

Now on to better news....

Irish ISP wins major legal victory against record labels

Interesting news from

Irish ISP wins major legal victory against record labels
No legal precedent in Irish law for disconnection

UPC, one of Ireland's largest internet service providers, has won a major legal victory against four of the world's most powerful record companies over the much-contested issue of online music piracy.

The High Court in Dublin ruled today that there was no precedent in Irish law to force ISPs to identify and disconnect people accused of illegally downloading copyrighted files, which means that despite the record companies requests, UPC will not be required to take part in the three strikes programme that had been on the table for some time now.

Warner Music, Universal Music, Sony BMG and EMI Records wanted a three strikes system that would including an informal warning at the first stage, designed to highlight the problem, a stern written warning at the second stage, threatening disconnection, and then a disconnection for seven days at the third stage. If a user continues to break the rules disconnection for a full year may follow.

Nice to see that at least in some part of the world Due Process still applies along with a dose of common sense. In my opinion disconecting internet subscribers because the RIAA says they violated copyright and piracy laws without giving the alleged user a chance to either plead their case or the record labels having to show proof beyond a reasonable doubt is wrong and unconstitutional.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weenie of the Week for 10-10-10, Judge Isaac H. Stoltzfus

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) ― Police say a district judge from Intercourse, Pa., hid condoms inside acorns and handed them out to women in the state Capitol complex last week.

A summary charge of disorderly conduct was filed Tuesday against Isaac H. Stoltzfus, who presides over low-level cases as a district judge in Lancaster County.

The citation from Capitol Police says the 58-year-old jurist gave the acorns to unsuspecting women, who were offended when they discovered the contents.

Stoltzfus' office referred questions to defense attorney Heidi Eakin, who didn't immediately return a phone message Wednesday.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Amp In My Casket Short Preview

Off of our good friend Rob Mazureks new CD!