Wednesday, March 28, 2018

5 Years Ago.....

3/27/13 is when shut down for good, honestly I hadn't thought about it until just now when I saw a post on Facebook about it. Looking back, it's hard to believe that it's been that long, the passage of time is a strange thing isn't it? I miss those days, but I'm glad that I got to enjoy it for the amount of time that I did, we had some amazing shows on there as well as having met some amazing people that I'm lucky enough to have kept in touch with.

So, 5 years on, and where is Indie Spotlight, the broadcast as well as the brand? While I've answered it before I really haven't talked about it a whole lot so here goes...

Regular live streaming broadcast, done, while I might do an occasional show it's more of a "special" now where I doing a show for a specific purpose (such as spotlighting a particular artist, etc). I'm considering maybe a monthly broadcast? The reason I shut down the weekly show was due to lack of interest and since I've been considering a monthly podcast this would work since I would do what I was doing before (live show, then upload the podcast to be listened to later).

Social media is where I've been focusing as far as promoting independent musicians, although Facebook sucks because they've been limiting posts from pages not associated with an individual, basically what this means is that unless I boost the posts on my Indie Spotlight page many people, even though they follow the page, won't see the posts and while I can tell people to like posts, set to follow first, etc I'm one of many pages and posters that are asking people to do this so I know those posts turn into white noise real quick which really sucks because Facebook used to be a really great platform for pages like mine promoting something that not many other people do.

While I plan on getting back to the "daily video" format (which also cross posts on Twitter in case you didn't know) I'm wondering if even that is worth the time, and I can't blame lack of interest as much as the way Facebook is treating pages dedicated to something as opposed to someone (make sense?)

There are so many things that I would still like to do with Indie Spotlight, but if I keep hitting a brick wall every time I find a way to keep at least a part of it going, why the hell am I even going to bother?

Then I realize that the "Lamestream Music Industry" would love for me to have that attitude, and that in itself is a reason to at least keep the social media pages active.

Read those last two paragraphs again, something to think about.