Thursday, January 29, 2015

This Week's Broadcast

As I mentioned during the show the broadcast day could easily change week to week going forward. This week's show will be on Sunday starting at 9 pm (eastern) with a possible second show on Monday at the same time.

Stay turned!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Special Monday Night Show Tonight!

We'll be broadcasting live on starting at 9 pm eastern tonight!

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Tonight's broadcast has been preempted to tomorrow, same time which will be 9 pm (eastern) and I hope to see everyone there!

Monday, January 19, 2015

About Last Night

Started the broadcast at the usual time, not a whole lot of traffic this week, hardly anyone stopping by not even the regulars.

That and after a rough day (what else is new) at my regular job I just wasn't feeling up to an entire show so I cut it short and relaxed.

Will try to do another show sometime this week when I feel more like broadcasting. Was really phoning it in last night leaving the playlist up as a slideshow so I wouldn't even have to break in. Would be a great option if I ever get the 24/7 broadcast up and running, not so much for what was supposed to have been a live show.

Need to commit to a different night, Sunday's just aren't doing it for either me or the show.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

24/7 Streaming Server Update

There really isn't an update, while I've been playing around with this thing I haven't found a way to make it work.

I've been mulling over a plan B. This computer came into life as an HP. It boots to Linux just fine although slow and it does work. I have a previous generation HP laying around that has a fried power supply that should still have some good working parts so what I might do is install this computers hard drive (which was Windows ME, yuck) and any RAM that might fit, and see what happens. It could work or it could be a waste of time but in any case extra RAM can't hurt.

We'll see I guess, stay tuned.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Show Coming Soon

Just as a heads up to my regular blog readers, while I will mention other internet shows and projects that I'll be working on, this page will remain primarily for Indie Spotlight. The other shows will have their own places (I'm thinking FB pages).

 Ok now that I've gotten the disclaimer out of the way, here is my latest show idea. It's going to be called "The Crazy Cat Guy". The main premise of the show will be things that cat owners (or servants) should be aware of, issues of the day, ect. Think of my old NewsTalk format but with a focus on responsible pet ownership.

I'm thinking that I might use iVlog for this project, date and time to be determined.

Stay tuned.

Then... They Broke it.

Justcastlive (formerly is transitioning to their new URL this weekend, and as you might have guessed, managed to break the site.

I know the guys are working feverishly to get it back online, hopefully it'll be fixed by tomorrow night :)

Friday, January 9, 2015

Quick Update

Since I haven't been made aware of any more last minute meetings at my regular job this week will be our official first show of 2015! Please join us this Sunday night starting at 9 pm (eastern U.S.) (yes moving back to our original time at least for this week) for all original music by independent and unsigned musicians as well as fun times in our live interactive chat!
Also note that is now , I've been told that the original url should redirect but in case it doesn't note the link below and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy First Post of 2015!

Good morning blogger readers! Due to an early meeting this morning I decided yesterday to extend my hiatus to another week. To be honest about it looking at the statcounter reports this morning I wasn't missed so maybe not a bad thing.

I posted to our FB group about a week ago a poll, basically asking what night would be better for the broadcast. Right now we have one vote, for Friday.


Since I didn't get to do last night's broadcast I'm thinking I might play around over the next couple of days and just see when we draw more people in and see where it goes.