The new show is going well, I don't miss blogtalkradio at all. I think we've worked out most of the bugs on blogtv and I'm ready to quit goofing off and start getting back to doing some real shows again.
Yeah I said that a few weeks ago, I know I know.
We've already had our first guest, it was kind of a surprise when Pete Berwick popped into my chat. I have to tip my hat off to Deb from Unsigned Musicians who often helps me out as a co-host for coming up with a quick solution. When we co-host on blogtv, we use Skype to keep in real time, and Pete does not have Skype. Deb called in on Skype, and put Pete on a speakerphone. It came out good considering how last minute it was and I have to tip my hat to Deb for thinking it up.
I'm starting to see some familiar faces in my chat during the show, people who had to deal with the technical problems on btr and said fuck it, are starting to show up on blogtv. It's a nice feeling to see some old friends that I haven't seen on the internet in a while.
Now we need to start talking music, the industry, and I would really like to start having musician interviews again. Pete was last minute, the interview was really good as it always is when he's on. I did record some segments, you can find them on my showpage over on blogtv and as you can hear we had a ton of fun on that show.
Overall I have to say that the switch to blogtv is going well. Like I said before we've worked most of the bugs out, it's coming together really well. If there are any Indie musicians out there who would like to come on the show and talk about their music, and anything in between hit me up. Right now I know I can have you on via Skype, but I am working on having people on the phone as well. I would love to have some fresh talent on the show.
I'm also going to be working on having some of our past guests back on, I'd like to catch up with some of these folks and I think the crowd on our new show would really enjoy getting to know them. I know I'd enjoy it.
Finally, here's the skinny with the latest myspace bullshit. Pete Berwick had this picture as his profile pic on his myspace page. It's the cover off of his latest album.

Myspace took it down because they said it was offensive and violated their Terms of Use. He sent them a very pointed, and yet professional letter asking why, and never got an answer.
So, I put that evil, satanic pic as my main profile picture on myspace. Mostly because I want to support Pete but I also just felt like being an asshole and what better place than one that is run by a bunch of 'em. Lets face facts, since Tom Anderson sold out Myspace has been ruled by the media whores that bought into it, which includes the music industry majors. It does not surprise me that they might find a reason to stifle the little guy for coming up with some great music, and oh yeah he might have an album cover that might be a great idea that they should have thought of but didn't because they were too busy looking at TITS!
It's bullshit. Offensive my ass, you know what I find offensive? How about Miley Cyrus, Miss Hannah Montana herself showing some skin on the front page of Myspace? She's under 18, could that be considered child porn? Yeah I like to look at a young piece of ass but shouldn't it be a legal piece of ass? Beside that do I really want to look at a no talent wannabe musician when I log in?
But I digress.....
So Pete's crotch shot wearing handcuffs is offensive, 13 year olds might see it, but Miley, or whoever the blonde flavor of the week might be, is not offensive? Give me a fucking break.
So, it's been a week, the Myspace police hasn't caught it on my profile yet (although they might after I post this blog over there) and not one person has told me why that album cover might be offensive. So, I'm leaving it up until myspambullshit, oops I mean Myspace pulls it down. I don't see how Pete's picture can be considered offensive.
Sorry about the rant, well, not
Anyway, the blogtv show is going well, we're on every Sunday night at 9 p.m. (eastern) and I hope to be scheduling some musician interviews soon!
Well except for no talent big titty Barbie wanna-be's you won't be hearing them on the show.
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