Do you remember where you were, and what you were doing at about 9 am (eastern time) on September 11, 2001?
I awoke to the news on my alarm clock radio, at the time they thought it was a horrible accident. I turned on the t.v. in time to watch the second plane hit. I sat glued to the t.v. and the internet, in shock.
So much has happened since, we've gone to war in Afghanistan and routed the Taliban, we still haven't gotten Bin Laden, who even today is still public enemy #1.
We've had gotten into a quagmire in Iraq, and have returned to the battlefields of Afghanistan with mixed results.
We toppled Saddam, the new Iraqi government tried, convicted, and hung him, and while he praised the terrorists he had nothing to do with 9/11.
We did all that and still haven't gotten Bin Laden.
Conspiracy theories have been formulated about 9/11, I don't believe most of them. I don't believe that the World Trade Center was destroyed by explosives, it was destroyed by airplanes flown by terrorists. Any of the conspiracy theories I've heard about the Twin Towers being leveled by our own government have been proven wrong, and explained to me in ways that make much more sense than any conspiracy theory I've ever heard.
I love the one about us launching one of our own missiles into the Pentagon. One, eyewitnesses were on I-395 heading into D.C. and saw the plane fly over and two, yes the hole looks small, almost like a missile made it, but um, the Pentagon is very large, it covers 4 zip codes so when you take all that into consideration I call it swing and miss strike two for the conspiracy theorists.
The only one that might be even remotely plausible, is that the Air Force might have shot down Flight 93 over Pennsylvania. That might have happened. They knew the plane had been hi-jacked, had no way of knowing that the passengers fought back, and didn't know where that plane was headed. Not that this takes away from the bravery of the passengers who stood up to the terrorists, nor could it convince me of any conspiracy in regards to our government.
In the nine years since the attacks of 9/11 we've forgotten so much....
We've forgotten about the fear, and anger we felt that day. We've forgotten about the intense national pride we felt on that day. We've forgotten about the firefighters and rescue workers chanting U.S.A., U.S.A. over and over again and how in awe of their dedication we were. We've forgotten how much kinder, and how much closer we were to our fellow citizens. We've forgotten the members of Congress standing together singing God Bless America?
We've forgotten about those who lost loved ones on that day.
Today, I wonder if we've forgotten about 9/11 altogether?
The nutjob in Florida wanting to burn the Qurans to keep his 50(ish) followers happy has gotten more coverage in the media than any 9/11 tribute today.
Is it just the popular media deciding what is considered news, have we forgotten 9/11, or just chosen not to remember?
Did you talk to anyone about 9/11 today? Did you even mention it was 9/11?
Did anyone else?
Have we forgotten?

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