Thursday, February 17, 2011

Now Accepting Interview/Play Requests

I would love to get back to doing musician interviews so if you (or someone you know) is an independent musician, who would love the exposure, please shoot me an email. Please keep in mind that this interview would have to be done over Skype, or I would need a number to call via Skype to bring you on. If I need to call you, I have no problem footing the bill, as it only costs me something like 2 cents a minute and for a great musician interview, it's well worth it to me. I would also like to get back to co-hosting musicians and having live music during the show. Message me if you are interested (I have another channel set up just to do test shows to make sure everything works) and we'll get ya set up.

Also, anyone who was on the show for an interview over the last couple of years, is also invited back to the show, we had some awesome interviews with you guys and would love to see what you've been up to since we last talked and introduce you to our larger audience on blogtv (as opposed to the old blogtalkradio channel)

I would also like to extend a special invite to all the musicians who have come by and played at our music events, I think it would be really great for our viewers/listeners to get to know you folks better as well!

Also, I know I mention it during the show, and I've mentioned it in this blog once or twice, but I do have a standing invitation for musicians who have been at our events, or have played live on the show before to come on and play a set. I don't always remember to ask, invite or offer so if there is a night that you guys and gals are feeling musical just ask, I would love to bring you on and entertain us!

The show airs every Sunday night at 9 pm (eastern time) on! Again, drop me a line at and let me know if you're interested.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

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