Monday, November 10, 2014

This Weeks Recap

Site was up, worked like a charm. I had to rebuild my profile over on justcast because when their server crashed it took anything created after 10/25 with it, which would obviously include my newly created profile.

Since I didn't make a big deal about the show this week (mostly because I wanted to make sure justcast was up and stable first) we didn't have much traffic to the show, although a couple of people surfing justcast came in and hung out which was nice.

We did have a wierd hiccup during the show, I think it was mostly my error, when I went fullscreen on my laptop to check video quality the show crashed for a second. First time I've ever seen the Flash Media Encoder kick in to fix a problem, but it worked although there was a huge lag afterwards.

Overall I think that things went well and maybe this week I'll do the actual "official" launch of the show on there.


Show notes;

See above for the update.

As far as the 24/7 streaming player I'm still working on that, as soon as I find a way to get a this linux machine to stream I will be bringing that online to feature past shows.

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