Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jim Jeffrey's New CD is Out and Other Stuff

First, if you missed the show last Sunday, answer this question in the comments section....

For the guys, would you prefer a woman who burns her bra, or never shaves her pits?

For the ladies, would you rather arm wrestle, or mud wrestle?

In a nutshell, on top of playing some fresh music from Big Bad Sun, that was the gist of Sunday's show, more goofing off than anything. Not a bad thing I guess, with that being said I guess I should try and find some time to do some show planning. Stay tuned.

Ok, on to more important things...

After my goof-fest on my show Sunday night I headed over to Jim Jeffrey's show which is usually on after mine on Sunday nights on blogtv.

While I was there he let everyone know that his new website is up (jimjeffreymusic.com), and his new CD is out. You can just follow the link from his website to order and download it.

Jim is typical of many of the indie artists that I've gotten to know over the past year. He has nothing to do with any labels, ect. instead utilizing the internet to promote his music. He did all the work on the album, all the editing, the vocals, and the guitarwork, himself.

The music is phenomenal, I don't think I've heard anything quite like it. From the honesty in the title track "So Cold", through the raw emotion in "My Friend", the heart touching tribute to his daughter in "Sky" the talent of Jim Jeffery is obvious to anyone listening.

The CD is available at Digstation (link here)

Jim Jeffery's website

Jim Jeffery's youtube channel

Also, Jim does do free guitar lessons on Blogtv, from 7-8 (eastern time) on Sundays, you can check them out on his blogtv page as well as his regular show at midnight (right after mine) on blogtv.

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