Tuesday, December 6, 2016

End of Year Update

Happy Holidays everyone!

I hope that this season finds everyone in good cheer, what a year it has been. I'm going to break down simply what my current thoughts are as far as the live streaming broadcast in particular, as well as Indie Spotlight in general.

First let's talk about the live streaming broadcast. I did one last night and found that even with no traffic I still enjoy doing this. The only real reason that I didn't see any traffic at the live show was because I haven't been consistent with my dates, times, or even if I do a live show at all. If I'm going to continue to do this I need to pick a date and time, and stick with it. My other option as I mentioned before is to go all in with awdio.com and just do the podcast format. I can even play the show live over there and it'll still archive afterwards.

I think I might be making my final show move very soon. Besides most, if not everyone checking out Indie Spotlight these days are checking it out on our channel on awdio anyway.

Now, let's talk about Indie Spotlight, the brand in general. I'll continue to post videos daily on the Facebook page (which cross posts onto Twitter) so please like and share. Social media is working as far as people getting to see these musicians and getting the music some exposure. I wish I had thought of this a long time ago.

So, as long as there is an interest, Indie Spotlight will live on!

Have a safe Holiday season everyone!

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