Friday, December 6, 2019

December Update

Hey friends, sorry I haven't updated in a while, sometimes life just kinda happens......

So, here's the latest all that is Indie Spotlight;

First of all I would like to apologize for the abrupt end to the live streaming broadcast. I had a near tragedy with my external hard drive, long story made short it got knocked over while it was spinning and was rendered inoperative. I took it to two different shops, one told me it was "possible to save the data" for $500 -$1500 while the second told me it wasn't salvageable at all and offered to recycle it for me. This is where I stored all the music as well as the video files for the show. The good news is that while I have indeed lost everything else that I had on there, fortunately I had all the music on a thumb drive.

So, while I still have all the music files, I don't have the slideshows, so I would have to redo them which honestly is more work than something that I was in the process of winding down is worth anyway.

Even though I have ended the live streaming broadcast I do plan on resuming the daily video posts on the Indie Spotlight Facebook page very soon so watch for that, and I hope everyone has an amazing holiday season!

Thanks for sticking around!
~ Jack

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