Monday, June 22, 2009

If You Missed Spotlight Last Sunday...

...then you missed one heck of a show.

Deb from the Unsigned Musicians show was able to join me as co-host this week. It was nice having her back on the show. To kill some time and wait for the regular viewers to start shuffling in we talked about the PETA idiots freaking out because Obama killed a fly instead of trapping it humanely and letting it go free outdoors. Deb offered her opinion on PETA (on top of supporting unsigned artists she is also an animal rights activist) and confirmed everything I ever thought of them. Sorry if you support PETA all I can say is go do some reseach on who they really are. PETA does things that honestly send a shiver down my spine.


We also had SmokingToad on the Skype call. Deb is looking to do another 24 hour show about legalizing Marijuana. Toad was able to offer some input into the Free the Weed issue, along with some folks in chat. It was an interesting conversation and I'll have more information about the show when we figure out when it's gonna be.

Then we talked about the Jammie Thomas-Rasset case, the disqusting judgement that was entered against her ($1.92 million dollars) and what it means to the indie artists and those of us who play independent music on the internet, as well as confirming that the RIAA really isn't a nice group of people. We also talked about ASCAP wanting to charge cell phone companies royaties for ringtones, their argument being that when a phone rings in public it's a public performance of a song. Rediculous isn't it?

Then, the fun surprise of the evening, Pete Berwick showed up in my chatroom while we were talking about all this crap, and offered his own opinion of it, which if anyone knows Pete knows that he has no real love for the "music industry hacks". We were able to have Pete on the show, which was nice, it's always a treat when he's able to stop in.

We closed out the show with a live performance from Jamie Gray. After we talked to Pete, we wanted to show him how easy it is to invite someone to "co-host" come on a show and play. Jamie was in rare form, and played an outstanding set (coincidently if anyones interested, he does have a show on blogtv, Thursday nights at 10 (eastern time) check him out.

Like I said, it was a great show, I know I had a blast!

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