Tuesday, February 18, 2014

This Week's Stats

For a guy doing his own thing on his own site I have to say that we're doing ok.  With limited promotion on social networking our hits last week are the best yet....


Unique Visits30120014203
First Time Visits20010010132
Returning Visits101100471

With that being said, our stats in our heyday on blogtalkradio and blogtv were much more impressive but with the limited promotion about a show on a site that was created for free we're not doing great, but not as bad as we were doing as far as hits during the live show since I built the site.  

I'd love to see this increase, and for that to happen we need to bring back live music, somehow.  I'm thinking we might try to do it via Skype.  We tried that during the Blogtv era and it didn't go well but I'm on a better internet connection as well as a much faster computer so maybe it's worth another shot.

Anyone want to be a guinea pig for the test?   Let me know!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

February Update

Hello blogger readers, time for a quick update.

Due to popular demand, as well as my desire to get back into hosting, we resumed the show on our current webs.com site a couple of weeks ago. Right now we're broadcasting on Sunday nights, 9 pm (eastern) at http://indiespotlightlive.webs.com/.

This will be our broadcasting home until iVlog opens and I'll speak more about the iVlog launch below since people have been asking me about it.

First off, I know just as much as anyone else that is a part of the iVlog Facebook group, while I have been in touch with the folks putting that together in regards to my concerns about their Terms of Service sadly I can't say that I'm in the loop as far as when the site will actually launch.

Second, I'm just as impatient as many other former blogtv users are for iVlog to launch. As I type this, we're looking at the 1 year anniversary of the blogtv shutdown, and many of us haven't found a suitable platform to do our shows since. Many have tried and from their experiences I have a short list of broadcast sites that to be honest about it, suck. Personally I think it's the lack of a true community like many of us had on blog, our expectations were pretty high when we tried other sites. From the look of it, iVlog should meet those expectations and more.

But it's been almost a year since blogtv sold out and shut down.

iVlog has been in the works since the blogtv shutdown.

I know they are working out the bugs, and the site is being built from scratch but at some point we need at least a launch date. I'm still a die hard believer in iVlog but it's been almost a year.

I consider myself a die hard believer, but at some point, even the most die hard among us need to think about plan B.

There is another broadcasting alternative out there, with a favorable TOS, that I can use. Going it alone on our own site isn't working, the show has to be a part of a broadcasting platform. We need the networking to give exposure to the musicians.

So iVlog, I think the world of you folks, I feel what you are putting together is the real deal, I know it's going to be what many of us wished that blogtv was. There is so much untapped potential out there as far as internet broadcasting for people to have their 15 minutes of fame and really nail it. I understand that for a site that actually works is going to take some time.

But, we can't wait forever. I hate to say this in a public way, but as far as Indie Spotlight, and bringing it to iVlog, I have to set an expiration date. You have a month, if the site isn't online and ready to use for broadcasting within a month of this blog post I will have no choice but to explore other broadcasting avenues.

I hate to be an asshole and say this but;

1) You got the amount you needed to launch the site from the indiegogo fundraiser.
2) Even now you have a loyal group of folks waiting for the site to officially launch
3) We can't wait forever
4) Blogtv had it's quirks, as other broadcasting sites do, we learned to live with them.
5) At some point even the most die hard supporters are going to fade away
6) The time is now, yeah the sites not perfect, but here is a newsflash either was blogtv, the difference between iVlog and blogtv is that on iVlog, you might actually fix the problems where blogtv did not.

Many of us that have been patiently waiting, or just dealing with the issues and drama on other broadcasting sites aren't going to wait forever. While a diehard supporter of iVlog, at some point even I will hit my expiration date and explore my other options.

I'd rather get on the ground floor on iVLog, but I can't wait forever.