Friday, February 28, 2020

Was Facebook Supposed to be Addictive?

Go read this long article about Facebook's early days, Sex, Beer, and Coding.

Facebook was meant to be huge, these folks had big ideas and made it happen and look at them now. I mean, it's Facebook.

The same kind of thing used to be said about MySpace, and now, does anyone even go on MySpace anymore? In people years, it wasn't that long ago that MySpace was the place, in fact I even have blogs posted on here from back in the day about how they were censoring musicians, but in internet years, they might have well have existed in the stone age for most of us.

Were people hooked on MySpace the same way that many of us are hooked on Facebook? I think the simple answer is no, the complicated answer is still no because the internet was so different then, with the biggest difference being we didn't have smartphones back then.

So, let's go back to the article, did Mark Zuckerberg and company mean to create a site that people couldn't put down? Absolutely. They took a hard look at what other sites were doing at the time and wanted to create something that did the things they did, but better, much better.

Look at how they did it, the early days of Facebook were insane, it's not so amazing that it worked, but that it didn't crash and burn.

Did they mean to create a site that people literally couldn't live without. I think so, while "Facebook addiction" isn't a term that might have crossed any of their minds back then.

I'm assuming that you've read the article, honestly that's enough reading for one day.

Next Blog Post; How am I keeping up with people that I only know on Facebook? (this will be a short one)

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