Thursday, September 26, 2013

As the Seasons Change, So Does Indie Spotlight

Can't believe it's fall already, just seems yesterday that we were on the precipice of spring and I was bitching about blogtv shutting down.

Holy crap where the hell has the year gone???

As everyone knows, when blogtv shut down we moved to awdio, and ran a chat on tinychat for the show. That format while promising didn't work.

With the cool summer evening breezes blowing in, so did our own site. I found an video player that I could embed, as well as chat code and decided to see how it went. Three months into our experiment as much as I hate to admit it the visitor statistics aren't there.

With the changing leaves on the trees once again there will be a change to the show, both where it is physically broadcast from as well as the site it's broadcast on. As far as the broadcasting site is concerned this move will the final one and where the show will stay.

This coming Sunday (9/29/13) will be our final broadcast on

After this broadcast I will be on hiatus until iVlog comes online.

Over the next couple of weeks I will actually be, well, moving myself so over the month of October I won't be online as much.

I will keep everyone posted via this blog, as well as our Facebook group as to what's going on with the show, when we will resume broadcasting and links to find us. Don't worry I'm not going to completely shut down (as I was contemplating doing a few weeks ago) but I will take waiting for iVlog to launch as a welcome break from broadcasting.

When we were on blogtv over the course of the year I generally took a few weeks off from doing the show, usually when things were slow online and I knew I wouldn't be missed. Because I've had to change sites so many times this year and was trying to rebuild the show's audience I didn't feel comfortable taking a break from it. Since our statistics on our existing site have been lackluster at best, as well as the fact that I might not be able to actually do the show since I'm moving anyway, now is the best time for me to take a break from it and come back full steam.

When I say come back full steam, I mean it.

The show will resume on a brand new website, that many former users of blogtv are waiting for. It will be an unparalleled opportunity for me to retool, and reboot the show.

The first thing obviously I'll need to do is get used to iVlog.

Then, when co-hosting is out of beta testing and ready to rock and roll, I intend to bring live music back to the show.

Finally after we're all settled in, and musicians are online and playing live on iVlog, I would like to try and put an music event together to showcase them. Keep in mind future iVlog musicians that might read this, the only catch is that it has to be ALL ORIGINALS!

I can talk about the copyright issues forever but the but the bottom line is because of the copyright issues involved I can't allow covers.

May I speak to a more honest point? No? Too bad.....

The people that come out to these shows, which are promoted as all Indie and all Original, want to hear original music. When people play covers, especially covers that they've heard a million times I'm gonna be honest we're going to lose that audience and musicians who play after you won't have the benefit of playing to that same audience because they bailed on you because you played a song they've heard a million times before. It doesn't matter if it's "your interpretation" of that song, the bottom line is, it's still a cover.

So folks this is where we are, like I said before I will keep everyone up to date. I promise when we launch on iVlog, the fun factor will return, I miss that as well and I just can't have it any other way.

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