Saturday, March 7, 2020

Facebook, Why Do You Care?

So, ok Facebook, unless you see a login that you don't recognize, you haven't emailed me for years, why now?

(side note, I kept email notifications on in case my account becomes compromised while I'm off)

Obviously it's because I haven't logged in over a week. So, why do they care?

Well, honestly, I don't think that Facebook really cares or there is actually anyone at Facebook that actually gives a damn that I haven't logged into their site.

Let me start with this one;

Yep, it's a hoax, when you log into Facebook, you give them permission to use everything you post, everything you share, your photos, permission to plant cookies to see where else you go online, everything, how much and where only depends on your privacy settings but even ramping those up to maximum only protects you from other users, not so much the site itself.

You might be wondering how you gave them this much power over what you post, well, it's in their Terms of Service, which you may or may not have read over before you signed up on the site.

My bet entire? Most people don't read it, even though they clicked the link that said they did. When you do that, well, to be honest, it's on you, since you checked yes that you did read the terms of service.

You said yes to Facebook planting cookies and monitoring how you use the internet. Sorry, you did.

So, let's get back to the original question, which is why do they care?

Well, it's not that they actually "care" so much as they are missing out on data on you that they can package and sell. Keep in mind that while, at least for the end user, Facebook is free at the end of the day they have to pay the bills somehow.

Think of all the data breaches Facebook has had over the years, it really is a treasure trove for those who would want to steal it.

Simply put, when someone who uses Facebook stops, it's one less data point for them to mine and sell. One person obviously isn't such a big deal, but a group of people depending on who they are, well, that might hurt a bit.

I wonder if the people running Facebook have a term for this time of year when people give it up for Lent?

Just a thought.


Next blog post, let's keep a tally, I get emails on what I'm missing on Facebook, let's start keeping track on missed messages and notifications.

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