Saturday, March 28, 2015

2 Years Later...

Today is the second anniversary of the infamous shutdown of For those of you who might not know blogtv is the website that we used for years for our live stream broadcast.

I was reading some posts on Facebook this morning and it got me thinking about how our online broadcast community kinda scattered around over the past 2 years since then.

Blogtv had it's flaws for sure, we even had a term for it when someone was having problems, we called it "getting the blog treatment" lol.

In any event I have to say that while sometimes I miss the "good ole days" it's more about missing the community. Since blogtv sold out many of us were scattered to the winds and ended up on one site or another and it was the end of an era as far as our community there, no matter how much we might or might not miss it it's a time in all our lives that will never come again.

The only real thing that I think blogtv had going for it that other streaming sites didn't at the time (and as far as I know still don't) is the co-hosting feature. Would love to see justcastlive find a way to implement that.

I saw a lot of posts especially on Facebook about people missing blogtv. Personally I don't think they miss blog at all, but I'm more than willing to bet that they miss the blogtv community. As I mentioned we all ended up on different streaming sites and not all of us on the same one. I don't think that many people transitioned to YouNow and from what I've heard from those that did regretted it, or didn't stay with it.

Those that landed on Vaughn stay there mostly out of habit and a lack of desire of telling their viewers where to find them if they moved to another site. Can't say I blame them.

iVlog, still wish we had done better on there, still think it's a great site, still want to broadcast some of the other internet projects that I have in mind on there but Indie Spotlight just didn't do well on there, I still call it right DJ, wrong bar.

I still think that if you are a music oriented show, and not just because Spotlight has done well on there, but because of the music lovers that will turn out at a show, justcastlive is the place to be and we need more music and musicians on there. People are thirsty for it, especially after 2 years of trying to find the next place to hear great music. One of the reasons I'm putting MusicFest together is because I want to help showcase justcastlive as a great place to broadcast and bring music lovers together.

As for me, well the past is to be remembered fondly, celebrated accordingly, but never dwelt upon. If even by some brilliant design blogtv came back online and said we were just kidding I would kinda nod my head and stick with justcastlive.

All the crap that has blindsided me in my personal life the last 4 years has taught me one thing;

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not promised, all we have is today and that is why it is called the present.

I choose to live in the moment and look forward to the future. While I do wax nostalgic on the blogtv community I do not miss blogtv, to be honest about it the site was a buggy, quirky pain in the ass.
I've gone all in with justcastlive, and am happy to be a part of the community there and I look forward to seeing it grow and growing with it myself.

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